
President Ruto Fulfils His Promise To Assist Miracle Baby

Former member of Sailors Music Band Peter Mwangi also known as Miracle Baby has been making headlines for the past few months due to his medical condition. The artist was diagnosed with a ruptured intestine and has been seeking treatment.

Miracle Baby was rushed in for an operation when earlier in the year and so far has had three operations. He was admitted at a hospital in Kiambu where he was seeking treatment. A picture of the artist using an oxygen mask was shared by his baby mama, Carol Katrue.

Through the musician Karangu wa Moraya, the family of Miracle Baby sought for help in clearing the medical bill that was at 1.6 million. Karangu held a Facebook Live where we’ll wishers sent in their live and support for him.

Comedian Eric Omondi also held a Facebook live with the intent to raise funds for Miracle Baby. He managed to raise 400,000. According to Carol, this covered part of the bill that was at 1.4 million by the time of the fundraising.

The Mugithi and Genge tone singer health condition caught the attention of President William Ruto. His Excellency then ordered that Miracle Baby be admitted at the Kenyatta National Hospital for further medical treatment.

The President also donated Ksh. 300,000 that was to cater to the family expenses. This was delivered by artist and politician, Charles ‘Jaguar’. He was accompanied by comedian Chipukeezy as well as other dignitaries and artists.

Miracle Baby is set to have his fourth surgery this coming April. According to Carol Katrue, he is now forced to use a tube when easing himself as his intestines heal. This started back in 2018 when the artist was misdiagnosed with appendectomy.


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