
Producer Saint P’s Words To The Music Industry Stakeholders, Skiza and Upcoming Artists.

Groove Awards Audio Producer 2016, Patrick Mbaru better known as Saint P’s music is well known to the local music industry, both secular and gospel. His productions stand out from the rest, with his beats distinguishing themselves from any other. Every time you hear ‘Saint P with that beat’ you are assured to listen to well done, quality music.


The panelist at Groove Awards saw it fit to award him for his efforts during 2016’s Groove Awards at The Kasarani Gymnasium. He thanked God, Groove, his supporters and his friends in the industry for the endless support he received. He also gave his advice to those in the industry. He advocated for better pay to artists and support for the upcoming artists. He did this through his Facebook Page.

He began by saying,

“First of all, I give all Glory to God for the gift of salvation, and the great opportunities to exercise His ability here on earth through the gift He has Given Me.
2nd, I want to thank the Groove panel for this awesome platform. Giving me this award, is such a humbling thing.
Also, to the producers out there, may God reward your resilience, art, and all the hours you put working. All the sacrifice. May God bless u with ideas, creative power and superpower inspiration.
To Every artist, some of you go way past the Music and your gift of friendship, encouragement, and prayers have kept me. Your efforts are just Humbling. May God reward you. With Divine inspiration, opportunities and grace, in every thing you do. I deeply appreciate you.”

“…..And I pray that, the Music Industry will one day have value. All the stake holders, my prayer is that you may inspire and Empower the artist. As other Markets expand, music here is just struggling. We know how influential, full of impact and inspirational music is. Not only is it a great tool of communication, but it’s the only form of language that isn’t tribal at all, because it emotionally speaks. It has managed to change people’s lives.
Let’s put value into music, to be put in the curriculum. Music should be brought back to schools. Let push for agendas that really harness national cohesion.


Negotiate reasonable percentages. SKIZA if you truly knew what artists go through, you would definitely reward them well. Create services that would be two dimensional, where both parties benefit. We Will Really Go Far.

Finally, music is music in itself, but when it’s done right, by the right & well deserved people, it can go far and beyond. My desire is to see great artists coming up be given equal support. We all started from somewhere. Shout out to all who do that. Elevation that has no value undermines growth, and if great talent is given great opportunity, we will grow as an industry. Support up and coming Artists.

Again; as I say always, not giving up, is always the only thing! God fashioned you to be able to function with a great amount of success. You are your own Limitation.


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Written by Clarice Wekey

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