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So What Is This “Fearless Summit” Hosted At Mavuno Church?

So we have been sitting here just wondering what the “Fear less summit” is ?

We never bothered at first but after seeing many people talking about it we decided it was about time we look deep into it.

We could believe what we saw..because this is one of the most beneficial projects that Mavuno Church has set up to bring the best out of the African being.

Its kicked off on 3rd July Wednesday at Mavuno Dome and will be going up to 5th July with the main word as :

The church is God’s redemptive tool in the world. The church can impact the world. The church, and the church alone, can transform the world. – Bill Hybels

The Fearless Summit is an annual event with this year’s themed Unleash the Army where christian leaders, both in the church and the marketplace, share about aiding the next generation church effectively and raise up an army that will influence our culture for the kingdom.

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The focus of the 2013 Fearless Summit is to unleash the church by equipping kingdom-minded leaders to change the world through reaching the lost, transforming the marketplace and impacting society!

At the Fearless Summit, attendees will have an opportunity to network and engage with Christian leaders from all over the world. They will also listen to inspiring leaders who are making a difference where God has placed them. Further more if you attend you will have the opportunity to participate in Labs (workshops) where you can discuss at greater depth the issues pertaining to your own ministry needs.


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