
WE THANK GOD : Gospel artiste Rosy Ohon has a Successful Surgery and will be Discharged

Rosy Ohon

The husband to gospel artiste Rosy Ohon has revealed to uliza links that his wife is now safe after days of prayer and slight tension.

Rosy Ohon [Photo Courtesy : Glorious Photography]
Rosy Ohon [Photo Courtesy : Glorious Photography]
Donald who is not new to the public stated that it was just a medical complication that Rosy had gone through but he is thankful to GOD for the end of the process.

rosy surgery

“I thank & glorify God today for giving my Wife Rosy Ohon a successful surgery. Thanks for all those who stood with her in prayer” He shared.

rosy ohon 14th wedding

Speaking on phone he added :

“Rosy Ohon is set to be discharged today from hospital but will need time to completely heal after the surgery”.



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