
Sh 2bn US training initiative to benefit youths

More than 30,000 youths are said to benefit from a Sh 2 billion programme aimed at creating opportunities for them through job market skills training.

according to nation media, USAID Mission Director Karen Freeman said that the amount has been committed to the initiative dubbed ‘Kenya Youth Employment and Skills (K-YES)’ for enhancing youth employment by supporting them to enroll in vocational training institutions for skills development. She was speaking during the launch of the programme on Wednesday at PC Kinyanjui Technical Training College in Dagoretti, Nairobi.

“Youth who drop out of school are often forgotten in the mainstream development agenda. Their achievements are often overshadowed by their counterparts who excel in academics. This initiative is therefore targeting young people who have not completed secondary school and are aged between 18 and 35 years,” said Ms Freeman.

On her part, K-YES programme Chief of Party Joyce Ogesi said that they are keen on exploiting the potential of informal sector that accounts for over 80 per cent of job opportunities in the country through developing a curriculum that ensures acquired skills are relevant to market demands.

“Thanks to K-YES trainings; those who dropped out of school are discovering that they still have numerous opportunities to advance in life. More youths are enrolling in vocational training centres to acquire skills like plumbing that experiences a severe shortage in the country,” said Ms Ogesi.

The programme is a successor to the previous Yes Youth Can and is present in nine counties that include Nairobi, Garissa, Kwale, Kericho, West Pokot, Kisii, Migori and Nyeri.

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Written by Eugene Cardus

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