
Are You A Good Song Writer ? Gospel Singer Scepta Has A Job For You Paying Ksh 200,000

This is a great offer that I would jump into any time if I was good at that skill sadly I am not.


Scepta Eagle who has done songs such as Na Wah 4 U and No Kululu No Kalala is in need of a good song writer.

 Scepta  announces that he is need of a good music writer and his bench mark pay is KSH 200,000/- for the lucky one.
*The person should be outgoing, able enough to challenge him at his level and someone who has a natural talent in writing music and good music for that matter.
*He or she should be able to write good material that qualifies both for local and international market. Your assistance will be highly appreciated.
He is hoping to get new talent that is someone who appreciates where the trends are now and someone who will not be seeking to redirect him rather flow with his free spirit in making music.
Lastly the writer should be independent writer not affiliated to any label or studio.
If you are good at this please contact him on his email :

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