
Moses Kuria Tenders Resignation.

Moses Kuria has tendered his resignation as a member of the Energy and ICT committee. He has resigned from the post so that he can get concentrate on delivering his duty as a member of the parliament Budget and Appropriation Committee. Kuria was unanimously elected in 2014 as a member of the Energy committee.

“Following the numerous responsibilities arising from my position as a member of the Budget and Appropriations Committee,  I write this letter to relinquish my position,” Kuria wrote.

In the letter, Kuria recommends that Kilifi North MP Gideon Mungaro, should take over from him, citing that Mung’aro is ‘equally capable’ of performing the duties of the post.

The name Moses Kuria carries with it alot of controversy. He has been to court severally on hate speech accusations, the latest case being less than a month ago.

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