
Wedding Dress for Who ? : Kenyan Couple Holds The Most Simple Wedding Ever

The couple that has created a huge talk on Kenyan social media have to be celebrated for taking the bold step of having a wedding with no costs whatsoever.

Weddings are seen to be expensive making men not to be willing to engage in one looking at the dent that their pockets will have after the wedding.

Kenyan couple Ann and Wilson Mutura made the difference of showing that weddings is about the two who will be stuck together for better for worse by holding a very simple wedding. There was only the congregation, pastor and the wedding rings to mark the union between them in Holy matrimony.

Kenyans would react after seeing the pictures on social media by stating the following

Prince Shaffin Lleta

Wa wa wa wa wa wa……I Loooooooooooooooove this!!!!….If All Pastors can emulate this,hakutakuwa na ndoa za ”COME WE RISK/STAY”…….I really love this!!!….SIMPLE But at the end,mtu amepata mume/mke OFFICIALLY!!!!

Millie Odhiambo 

Wow!!!!! I love this,may the Lord bless this marriage.

Pepe Regulator

Is it a drama.

Prince Jasper Ojwach

Not a drama but real marriage before the congregation

Jalimbe Evlyn

Congrats this is what happened to me ten years back and the Lord has surely blessed us.


If it were you, would you engage in the same wedding ?

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