Imagine heading out of town with a group of exceptional entrepreneurs to learn, connect, share and have fun. Entrepreneurs day Out is not an ordinary event, where entrepreneurs will be sitting in boring presentations or spending countless hours in a normal meeting room. Instead, they will actually be taking part in hands-on learning and engaging in meaningful discussions throughout the day.

They will also take part in team building and amazing adventure activities. Imagine networking with other entrepreneurs while you have Nyam Chom! Its a day full of LEARNING, NETWORKING, ADVENTURE & FUN!!!
CHARGES: 2,800/=
Lipa Na Mpesa: Till Number 643911
The cost package caters for:-
• Transport to and fro
• Professional Team Building Facilitators
• Lunch: Grilled Meat and Accompaniments
• Soft drinks and snacks
• Free T-shirt
To book a seat, pay Kshs. 1,800 by 30th April and the balance 2 days to the Event (5th May)
Booking deadline is 30th April.
For more information, Contacts us
Cell: 0724463536/0724457158/0726899314
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